Sıraselviler caddesi. No:83/2
0212 245 55 05




Flat Earth / W Axis


11 APRİL 2019 - 15 JUNE 2019

Pilot is hosting Özge Topçu’s first solo show at the gallery between 11 April and 20 May. 

Özge Topçu, at the exhibition “Flat Earth / W Axis”, refers to Rosalind Krauss’ concept sculpture in the expanded field by researching the experiences of the 4th dimension. Along with the form she explores the elements that constitute the environment and social life. The sociological case that inspired the exhibition is the Flat Earth Society which claims that the world is flat with a sensational belief ignoring the last 600 years of history. Artist is trying to understand why this form of belief which corresponds to empiricism and the Middle Ages is popular again. 

During her research on this irrational flat earth theory, contrary to its defenders, she interprets the Earth by using the multi-universe theory and non-Euclidean geometry that even refuses the classic laws of physics and Euclidian geometry. The artist encounters with stereographic mapping method while trying to reduce the earth’s sphere onto a plane. In the process, she also experimented with tesseract, a form of four-dimensional cube analogy in modern geometry. Examining the form, she discovers that the star motifs used in architecture and decoration, developed around 1000 years ago, are stereographic projections of the four-dimensional cube. And with these motifs, four-dimensional analogies, interdimensional transitions and the realization of the divine, artist makes an installation, a witness to knowledge’s journey during the last few thousand years. The illusion of this installation points out to our times that truth and facts lost their importance. Topçu is interested in approaches that suggest that knowledge can be acquired through sensation and experience, the refusal of evidence, and the underlying causes of the ignorance of positive science. She examines how knowledge is used in the social construction of reality. “How did we come to the point where feelings and personal opinions became more effective than objective truths in the formation of public opinion?” artist asks.

Özge Topçu, born in 1987, lives and works in Lisbon and Istanbul. She graduated from Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Art and Design, Combined Arts Program. Afterwards, she attended master program at Marmara University, Fine Arts Institute, Painting Department and continued her education at Burg Giebchischenstein Kunsthochschule Halle Germany. In 2018, she was nominated for the The MAC Belfast, Ulster Bank International Artist Award. Major exhibitions she participated includes; ”MAC International Art Prize” 2018, “Art Night London” 2018, “RedBull Art Around” 2016, “Locality and Global Discourses”  2015, California University School of Art, San Francisco, USA, “Open City”, Pilot Gallery , 2016,  “Alteration Depression” Solo Exhibition, Hush Gallery, 2015, “Fine Tuned and Multiple”, Kuad Gallery, 2015, ”Second Nature”, METU, 2015, “Borders Orbits 15 - 16", Siemens Art, 2014, “Rotary Art Award Exhibition”, Finalist, Proje 4L / Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art, 2014.

Özge Topçu, Horror Vacui, 2019